A User Manual For The Occupational Performance History Interview


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A User Manual For The Occupational Performance History Interview Questions

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A User Manual For The Occupational Performance History Interview Test

  • Therapists' and Clients' Perceptions of the Occupational Performance History Interview Article (PDF Available) in Occupational Therapy in Health Care 19(1-2):173-92 August 2005 with 737 Reads.
  • Performance History Interview information in a semi-structured interview about the patient’s life and functioning in order to determine the best interventions. Cabinet Volitional Questionnaire Version 4.1/2007 MOHO Clearinghouse Patients with cognitive or verbal limitations -5 User’s Manuals Designed to evaluate volitional components through.
  • Rates the client’s.occupational identity. and.occupational competence. and the.impact of occupational behavior settings. Obtains a broad and detailed understanding of the client’s life history and the impact of illness, disability, or other trauma on the individual’s life.