Jan 29, 2014 The News: A User's Manual by Alain de Botton – review. Whatever news is, he thinks, along with Hegel, that it has replaced religion as a modern society's source of guidance and authority to. The News: A User’s Manual is an insightful analysis of the impact of the incessant news machine on us and our culture. The news is everywhere. We can’t stop constantly checking it on our computer screens, but what is this doing to our minds? We are never taught how to make sense of the. The News: A User's Manual A User's Manual by Alain De Botton and Publisher Vintage. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 728,. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 122,. Feb 02, 2014 In 'The News: A User's Manual', Swiss-born essayist Alain de Botton, who now lives in London, analyzes the problems of the present-day media and gives some recommendations as to how the newsrooms of the future can better fulfill their public duties.
Listen to an excerpt from THE NEWS by Alain de Botton. Download THE NEWS here: www.audible.co.uk/pd/Non-fiction/The-News-Audiobook/B00HYH69PM?source_code=SCL30DFT1Bk0001AdvBkr051013&bp_ua=yes The news is everywhere. We can't stop constantly checking it on our computer screens, but what is this doing to our minds? We are never really taught how to make sense of the torrent of news we face every day, writes Alain de Botton (author of the best-selling The Architecture of Happiness), but this has a huge impact on our sense of what matters and of how we should lead our lives. In his dazzling new audiobook, de Botton takes twenty-five archetypal news stories - including an airplane crash, a murder, a celebrity interview and a political scandal - and submits them to unusually intense analysis with a view to helping us navigate our news-soaked age. He raises such questions as 'Why are disaster stories often so uplifting?'; 'What makes the love lives of celebrities so interesting?'; 'Why do we enjoy watching politicians being brought down?'; 'Why are upheavals in far-off lands often so boring?' In The News: A User's Manual, de Botton has written the ultimate guide for our frenzied era, certain to bring calm, understanding and a measure of sanity to our daily (perhaps even hourly) interactions with the news machine.
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- the news
Cool stuff!
Comment by Le Mark
good sound
Comment by Bufinjer
This is awesome! Great job on this!
'Optimal Dose varies according to the individual and condition. Standard starting dose is 25 mg of CBD taken twice a day. Titrate upward after three weeks by adding another 25mg. Repeat this upward titration process until the sweet spot dose is found (best relief). '
A decade ago, a number of CBD-rich cannabis strains were discovered somewhat by accident Northern California and British Columbia. The inventive west coast, the marijuana - breadbasket of North America is the place where most of the cutting edge strains are conceived. California is also the first place where marijuana was legal. In 1997, it became legal for medical patients can access cannabis. Now marijuana is legal, both recreationally along the entire coast, from Washington, thru Oregon and Cali, with most of the adjacent states coming on board.
Whole plant CBD-rich oil as a grassroots therapeutic option has changed the landscape of medical marijuana. CBD extracts and oil are a total game changer. The results are so impressive, that the news about the efficacy of CBD for so many conditions has spread like wildfire. With that said, there are too many patients and practitioners that don't really know much about the essentials, how THC and CBD work together, how much to take, how to find the sweet spot (correct dose), what kinds of medicines are out there, what strains have a lot of CBD while possessing little psychoactive THC.
First things first, what exactly is CBD?
Medical doctors routinely recommend CBD rich strains and oils for chronic pain, cancer, Crohn’s disease, diabetes and high blood sugar, all forms of arthritis, post traumatic stress disorder, heart and cardiovascular disease, anxiety, depression, infections, multiple sclerosis, psychosis and schizophrenia, among other conditions. Research centers in the Western world, China and Japan are intensively studying the effects of CBD.
'According to CannLabs, the nation’s top full-service testing lab for cannabis products, there is no established lethal CBD dose. Consumers should read the product inserts carefully to ensure they are taking the right amount of CBD, and talk to the prescribing physician about any questions or concerns.'
Dosage should be monitored by a healthcare professional with experience with cannabis based medicines. The optimal dose varies on the biochemistry of the individual and the condition at hand. As time goes on, dosage requirements may change too. Examples below may not necessarily be recommendable for you.
Loss of Appetite in Cancer:
2.5 milligrams THC oral with 1 mg of CBD daily for six weeks
Chronic pain:
2.5-20 mg CBD by oral daily for 25 days
200-300 mg of CBD oral daily for 4 months
Huntington’s Disease:
10 mg per kilogram of CBD oral daily for six weeks
Sleep disorders:
40-160 mg CBD oral as required
Multiple Sclerosis:
Whole plant extracts containing 10-120 milligrams of a THC-CBD 1:1 oral daily for three months, titrating up from the minimum each 3 weeks.
40-1,280 mg CBD oral daily for two to four weeks
Glaucoma: 20-40 mg sublingual - under the tongue.
Side effect: Too high a dose can increase eye pressure.
The News A User's Manual Pdf
** A cannabinoid mouth spray can be used hourly for ongoing relief.
While research in the US is significant, the Federal Government continues to try its best to literally sabotage anything and everything associated with either hemp or marijuana. The reason is, historically, cannabis in all its shapes and forms is a competitor to the synthetic medicines and industrial products of the all powerful big corporations. These corporations have lobbied successfully in policy (but not in effect) to have everything marijuana related declared an enemy of the state type thing.
Scientists refer to CBD as a “promiscuous” compound because it confers therapeutic benefits in many different ways while tapping into how we function physiologically and biologically on a deep level. Extensive preclinical research, clinical trials and animal studies show time and again that CBD is :
The News A User's Manual Download
Cannabidiol has been shown to change DNA - gene expression, which results in the removal beta amyloid plaque of Alzheimer’s sufferers.
Which is better? Is it CBD or THC? Both are powerful therapeutics. Depending on the condition or symptoms and the biochemistry of the individual dictate the response. Really, if a person does not like marijuana's psychoactive effects, they definitely will prefer CBD strains. There are those that cannot tolerate THC alone, but find THC and CBD together work just fine.
CBD overall is seen as the all round most medicinal cannabinoid to date. Medical Doctors that have treated several hundred patients have the consensus opinion, that at a little or moderate amounts of THC mixed with CBD produces the best results, but the psychoactive component (THC) can be titrated, adjusted up very slowly, as the body adapts and side effects subside, in the majority of cases.
CBD mitigates adverse effects caused by too much THC, including anxiety and racing heart. When both CBD is found in sufficient quantity in the cannabis strain or product, CBD will lower moderate and reduce the intensity of a THC high while extending the duration. CBD extends the range of conditions treatable with cannabis, such as liver, circulatory system and metabolic related disorders, which can be less responsive to THC-dominant therapies. Both CBD and THC stimulate neurogenesis, which is the growth of new brain cells in mammals, and most probably humans.
What’s the most effective way to take CBD? The choice of delivery systems for high CBD cannabis is important. Smoking or vaping is a very viable method of drug deliver, but the effects last about an hour plus or minus several minutes. CBD tinctures, which are very concentrated alcohol and oil extracts, are excellent to stop tremors and seizures on the spot, or treat the onset of any condition that is treatable using CBD. Edibles are easily prepared using CBD oil.
Just mix CBD oil in with the oil of any recipe. Be sure to calculate how many mg will be in a portion of your prepared edible. The effects of oral consumption is about eight hours or more which makes it perfect for all night relief.
Although recently banned by federal law, doses of potent CBD-rich cannabis based medicines are available in California, Nevada and many other Medical Marijuana states as raw herb, oil edible, lozenge, beverage, tinctures, capsules, or topicals.
Marijuana has a rich history as a medicine across the world, in most every great civilization, going back thousands of years. From 1850-1933, the U.S. Pharmacopoeia listed cannabis tinctures as an recommended treatment for women's issues, headaches, cramps and epilepsy, among other conditions. Modern science agrees with the American doctor's of yesteryear, with dozens of studies and trials, concluding that cannabinoids and especially CBD has anti-convulsant effects. Whole plant cannabis therapy has been found to facilitate dramatic improvement in 40 to 60% of seizure disorders in several studies.
In our study, about 15% percent of severe infant epileptics treated with CBD oil experienced complete remission of seizures. It was noted by a Colorado doctor that CBD has a sweet spot dosage and giving CBD past a certain dosage can make seizures worse in some cases.
Many parents of epileptic children have had to learn through trial and error by augmenting CBD-rich oil, adding in some THC (psychoactive) or THCA (raw, non-psychoactive form). While this process might sound dangerous, the reality is that doctors and patients find that cannabis based medicines are far less dangerous and better tolerated than the pharmaceuticals that their children had been taking - and failed to respond well to.
Now, there is plenty of literature out there to educate doctor's to the point where they can guide patients, how much CBD, what form is best, how much THC or THCA to add, but unfortunately, the medical industry does not provide its medical practitioners any advice whatsoever. Nursing associations are sharing information online as are licensed medical doctors. Thanks to the internet, those doctors who wish to be informed about cannabis based medicines can get up to speed and in a hurry.
What is the right CBD:THC ratio? Dr. Paul Hornby, a long time practitioner suggests that one try mostly all THC with little CBD, a 1:1 CBD:THC ratio, and mostly THC and record the response.
Preparations can be made by purchasing strains with and without THC or CBD and blending them to get the desired ratios right. Even if a person cannot tolerate THC well, they can add it with the CBD slowly to get closer to the 1:1 ration. The reason for this approach is that the two cannabinoids have differing medicinal effects, and work in synergy to deliver especially better pain and inflammation relief.
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Any cannabis based medicine that you use should be tested for the amounts the major cannabinoids (THC and CBD) and it is also good to note what the terpene content is. Terpenes are the ingredients of plants, fruits and vegetables that give them their distinct odor and contribute to the taste. Terpenes work with the cannabinoids to enhance, balance, or moderate effects. It is a good idea to stay clear from concentrates that could contain residual solvents like hexane, naphtha and other hydrocarbons. If you do want to try oils, then you need to see that the manufacturer has tested for the absence of residual solvents, Ethanol extracts are, in our opinion the most natural and least toxic option in tincture and oil preparations.
Hemp is related to marijuana, but it does not posses significant quantities of THC. You can't get high from smoking hemp. Hemp plant contains high quality fiber and protein that can be used in textiles and health foods. Despite having no psychoactive properties whatsoever the Feds banned Hemp simply because it was a serious competitor to cotton, pulp and paper industries.
Some Hemp types contain significant quantities of CBD, and the molecule is no different from the CBD found in marijuana strains. You must ask for and obtain a certificate of analysis that says how much CBD is in the product in question, and then compare the price / quantity with the marijuana product equivalent.
A serious issue with hemp is that the plant tends to suck up pesticides and herbicides, so the final product must be tested rigorously. The test is HPLC-MS and if glyphosate and a suite of the other common pesticides is not indicated on the certificate of analysis, product label, then stay clear of Hemp CBD.
Another issue is that too-many so-called CBD hemp oil products have little CBD. CBD-infused nutraceuticals are not approved by the FDA as supplements; nor are they legal in all 50 U.S. states. However, interstate CBD commerce is tolerated by the Feds.
Is it safe to inhale CBD oil vapor from a vape pen? Of course! In fact, marijuana smokers have statistically less lung issues, as compared to non-smokers.
CBD vape oil products can include a thinning agent, which dilutes the oil and helps combustion and vaporizer the cannabinoids for inhalation. Avoid vape pen oil that contains propylene glycol. When overheated, this chemical additive produces formaldehyde, which is slightly toxic in small quantity and chronic exposure is associated with cancer.
While CBD is reported to be extremely safe and well tolerated in countless studies, there are side effects. CBD can interact with pharmaceutical preparations, and again, the interactions are generally much more favorable than the interactions between mixtures of pharmaceuticals, as seen in MS and Epilepsy patients that went from a cocktail of prescription drugs, to cannabis plus prescription drugs, finally onto cannabis based medicines exclusively. A happy ending for patients, a sad end for the pharmaceutical companies..
MMJDOCTORONLINE NOTES:In California and Nevada, a medical doctor's recommendation for marijuana is required before patients can purchase cannabis based medicines from dispensaries, cannabis cooperatives & compassion clubs, delivery services or clinics. Fortunately, the California Board of Medicine approves of Telemedicine, which is the remote or online medical services, for routine matters like applications, consultations with doctors, etc. We supply licensed doctor's recommendations, Cannabis-ID, grow permits and renewals, all online. The process takes only a few minutes and clients don't pay until they are approved.
Optimal Dose is individual. Standard starting dose is 25 mg of CBD taken twice a day. Try increasing dosage every 3-4 weeks by 25mg until symptom relief. And to decrease amount of CBD with any worsening of symptoms.
CBD has created a CBD User’s Manual for patients that addresses key questions about cannabidiol and cannabis therapeutics.
CBD and other plant phyto-cannabinoids can potentially interact with many pharmaceuticals by inhibiting the activity of cytochrome P450, a family of liver enzymes. This key enzyme group metabolizes most of the drugs we consume, including more than 60 percent of marketed meds.
At sufficient dosages, CBD will temporarily deactivate cytochrome P450 enzymes, thereby altering how we metabolize a wide range of compounds, including tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which causes the high that cannabis is famous for.
Metabolizing THC: When THC or any other foreign compound enters the body, it is metabolized. This process is generally very complicated. Metabolizing something properly can involve multiple molecular pathways and various enzymes that enable the body to get rid of the compound (often done by adding something to the original compound). Or metabolism can entail breaking down a compound into a more basic molecule that the body then uses.
Although CBD & THC act on different receptors at the cellular level, they can have similar medical benefits. A 2013 paper published in the UK Journal of Clinical Pharmacology found CBD to has the following medical properties:
Anti-emetic - nausea and vomiting
Anti-convulsant - seizure activity
Anti-psychotic- psychosis disorders
Anti-inflammatory - inflammatory disorders
Anti-oxidant - neurodegenerative disorders
Anti-tumoral/Anti-cancer - tumor and cancer cells
Anti-anxiolytic/Anti-depressant - anxiety and depression disorders
“After years of growers aiming to boost THC percentages in their crops, many growers have switched to focusing on producing CBD-rich strains because of the increasing demand by medical users.”
Cannabidiol is even known to counteract some of the effects of THC like the “munchies.” Just as THC increases our appetite, CBD suppresses it, which could be ideal for patients watching their figure. CBD just might be a key ingredient in a future weight loss drug, who knows?
There is one exception to the theory that CBD suppresses appetite, but it is a blessing as well. Many people who have difficulty eating due to their stress or anxiety can use CBD to get rid of that sick feeling in their chest or stomach, allowing them to eat again once their anxiety subsides.
A recent study published in The International Journal of Neuropharmacology Points to cannabidiol (CBD) as a cause of neurogenesis in the brain; specifically in the Hippocampus, an area typically associated with conscious memory and navigation. However, the researchers believe that CBD’s anxiety relief may be due to this neurogenesis in the brain.
Everyone Is Different. The dosage of CBD differs for each individual Guidelines here are a starting point of reference, not the be all and end all. The fact remains that everyone comes from a different place and react differently to CBD dosages. Experienced practitioners know that it is best to start small and increase the dose incrementally, until you hit the optimal dose.
CBD Brands and Confusing Dosage Issues. Differing CBD oil brands can create a lot of confusion because they all have differing and complicated labels. Recommendations are not necessarily clear and consistent between suppliers. This lack of standardization can be overcome by understanding the dose of CBD in a product, it's onset time an duration of activity.
'Serving Standard is 25mg of CBD taken twice a day.' - CBDOilReivew.org (COR)
Experienced practitioners suggest increasing dosage each 3-4 weeks by 25 mg until symptoms are relieved. Or, to decrease amount of CBD when symptoms get worse.....