User Folders
Aug 10, 2018 i have a 320gb hdd with my rootserver(i KNOW.not enough, right?well it SHOULD be enough if sonarr functions correctly and deletes after moving/copy to union fs tv folder, no???) I managed to delete something off the sab queue(20gb)including the files so have regained access to server. I can now run sonarr and view settings. We are going to configure Sonarr to download TV shows. Create empty series folders Yes. Download Propers Yes. Analyse video files Yes. Sonarr Profiles. These are sites whose NZB files are downloaded automatically. The more you add, the more likely your TV series will be downloaded. Aug 20, 2018 HELP PLEASE!:) fresh 18.04 6.026 pg managed to get sonarr set up and kept all pg defaults (folders etc). Now i have 0bytes left on ym r2000 g8(netcup) kvm.
I have a NZBGet/Sonarr setup that's working pretty well. Sonarr seems to grab and post-process stuff that it sends to NZBGet (via a 'tv' catagory) for retrieval. Sometimes, I see one-off stuff that I want to have downloaded, and I manually stick the nzb file into the directory that NZBGet is always watching. I am using Sonarr and NZBGet - when Sonarr starts to download a tv show I can monitor the progress (from NZBGet) on the Sonarr web interface. When the download has finished the files get moved to the sonarr directory - everything is fine. Now I added some NZB files manually to NZBGet - for a series I am monitoring but wasn't found yet using. Feb 28, 2017 Hello, i just installed sonarr and nzbget on my openmediavault. While basically everything is running smoothly (sonarr find a release, passes it to nzbget to download, i can see the progress in sonarr) i cant get sonarr to post process the downloaded.
OS-specific default locations for the settings below can be found here.
Temporary Download Folder | Enter the path to a folder SABnzbd can use to store files as they are downloaded. Once the file is complete, it will verify then extract to the Complete Folder. You can just enter 'Incomplete' to keep it relative to your Base Folder or enter the full path such as C:Incomplete and SABnzbd will create the folder. |
Minimum Free Space for Temporary Download Folder | There should be enough space to contain the largest complete job + 10% to repair jobs. When free space on the drive that holds the temporary folder is below this, SABnzbd is automatically pauses. You enter the amount in bytes but you can use factors like K, M, G etc.NOTE SABnzbd will not automatically resume downloading. You have to make diskspace available AND resume SABnzbd manually. |
Completed Download Folder | The completed download folder is the default download location for all items, unless indicated otherwise from the Categories page. |
Permissions for completed downloads Advanced | Set permissions pattern for completed files/folders using octal notation, for macOS and Linux only. Example: 755 or 777 , see: Unix permissions. |
Watched Folder | This is a folder that is periodically checked for new NZB files. When a file is stored in this folder, SABnzbd will consider this a download job. It processes the file, puts it in the queue and removes the NZB file. ZIP and RAR files that contain only NZB files are also imported ( The Watched Folder supports Categories in two ways:
Watched Folder Scan Speed Advanced | Number of seconds between filesystem scans of the Watched Folder setting above. |
Scripts Folder | This specifies the folder where user scripts (post-processing and pre-queue) are stored. On Windows, users may specify a .cmd or .bat file; other extensions can be executed with the PATHEXT variable. On Unix any installed script type can be used, including common choices such as shell or Python, provided the file is executable (chmod +x file ) and starts with a valid shebang line. Read more about creating Post-processing and Pre-queue scripts. |
Email Templates Folder Advanced | You can define your own Email Templates. |
Password File Advanced | A text file of known passwords, one password per line, that should be attempted on passworded RAR files. See also Password-protected RARs. WARNING Checking passwords takes time, do not list more than ~20 passwords in this file! |
System Folders
OS-specific default locations for the settings below can be found here.
Administrative Folder Advanced | Location for queue, admin and history database. |
Log Folder Advanced | This folder holds error/warning/info/debug logging data. |
.nzb Backup Folder Advanced | When SABnzbd adds an nzb to the queue it creates a local of the NZB file in this folder. If you leave this box empty, no files will be saved. |
Completed Download Handling: Retrieves completed downloads from your download client and imports them, more information: Completed-Download-Handling
Completed Download Folder: This is the folder where your download client places completed downloads (best if it only contains TV shows)
Completed TV Download Folder: Completed folder that only contains TV shows
Drone Factory:Deprecated This needs to be the same as the Completed Download Folder (you should never use a folder that contains sorted and renamed episodes)
Sorted TV Folder: Final folder that contains your sorted and renamed episodes (in their respective series folders)
The Import Process
Manual Download Free
Sonarr does a number of checks to verify that the download is acceptable for importing, including:
Ipad Manual Download
- Sample file check (run time is longer than 90 seconds)
- Upgrade for existing episode file (if any)
- Not being unpack by the download client (UNPACK in SABnzbd)
- Enough free space exists at the destination
Once a file has passed all those checks it is imported, if there is an existing file it is deleted, otherwise the episode file is moved and renamed (according to your naming rules). Once the file has been moved it removes the source folder as long as it is less than 70MB in size). If no files are imported nothing is deleted.
Sonarr Sabnzbd Setup Guide
Remote Path Mapping
Combines with Complete Download Handling to tell Sonarr to use a different path for importing files from your download client, useful when Sonarr and your download client are on different machines.
must match the host set for the download client within Sonarr (Settings -> Download Clients)
Remote Path
path as reported by your download client
Local Path
path Sonarr can access. Sonarr will not mount any files directly, they must be synced over or the remote path mounted in some way (SMB, NFS, sshfs, etc). If you sync the files from a remote location ensure that the files are not visible and/or treated as video files (change the extension)
Rename Options
Nzbget Sonarr Manual Download Nzb Folder Windows 10
- {MediaInfo Audio}
- {MediaInfo AudioChannels}
- {MediaInfo AudioCodec}
- {MediaInfo Full}
- {MediaInfo Simple}
- {MediaInfo Video}
- {MediaInfo VideoBitDepth}
- {MediaInfo VideoCodec}
- {MediaInfo VideoDynamicRange}
- {Series CleanTitle}
- {Series Title}
- {Series TitleThe}
- {TVMaze ID}
- {Original Filename}
- {Original Title}
- {Quality Full}
- {Quality Proper}
- {Quality Real}
- {Quality Title}
- {Release Group}